New Mats.

We have overhauled the boulder mats!

Hooray! We have new mats! Yes, dear bouldering friends, we at Boulderhalle Steil in Karlsruhe have slaved for you and renewed our beloved mats! 

Exhausted but happy, we used spray glue and carpet meseer and replaced the old bouldering mats with brand new ones. Why, you ask? To make your experiences on the Steep even safer. Of course, also to make our flooring look fresh and funky again! 

A big thank you goes to the Polskok company, who delivered them to us faster than a gazelle can jump. Now you can fall completely carefree again. Because on the new mats you land like on a cloud. At least they feel like clouds when you walk on them.

We’re not done yet

Of course, we’re not quite done yet. After all, Boulderhalle Steil and the word “perfection” are synonyms in every bouldering lexicon. Therefore, we are busy fixing the last little quirks on our mats over the next few days. Some corners could be straightened a bit more, some velcro fasteners maybe tightened a bit more. But don’t worry, we’re working diligently to make these cosmetic touch-ups so your landing is smooth and seamless.

Now you can enjoy the jump in the freshness and softness of our almost perfect new mats. Rest assured that we will spare no effort to make your steep adventure as safe and comfortable as possible. Stay tuned to see what happens next and we’ll see you on the wall. Luckily, new mats will be below us then!

New padding for your health

So, hop on the boulders and get ready to conquer our steep walls. Without fears and without oppressive feeling. Because our new mats are ready to catch you and gently embrace you. Your knees and joints will still thank you if you continue to use our brown ab climbing handles.

See you on the mats! To the delight of your knees (and butt)!